What about the lad?

“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” John 6:9


Its interesting to think that the resources used to fund one of Jesus' greatest miracles were sitting right in the hands of a mere youth.  The disciple who noticed the makings of a meal in the lad's basket quickly dismissed the thought that "maybe he has what it takes" to solve this Kingdom Dilemma.  Why?  Because compared to the task at hand, his goods seemed inadequate.  


Sometimes we take no thought for what God can develop in our children, or the youth at our church, or even young people we just come in contact with in the midst of our daily challenge to do such a big work for Christ when it seems our strength is never enough.  All the disciples had at their disposal was $34!  Thirty four bucks to go first and locate bread, purchase it and bring it back to meet Jesus' command to feed the multitude of 5000 men, plus their women and children.  


And here was a young boy who had the goods at hand.  They didn't have to search for it and he was apparently willing to offer it . . .  It just didn't seem to be enough!  In the hands of Jesus, our children's precious gifts and talents can be blessed, broken, and given . . . not later, but now!  And it just might be the answer to a great commission that WE have been given to fulfill. 


Have you considered the gifts of the young people around you today in relation to the task you have before you in Kingdom Building?


Just a good thought I figured I'd pass along today as we all seek to make disciples and see souls saved!  


Be Blessed!


Pastor Taylor