Just Thinking about step-fathers . . .

Today's blended family is more common than at any other time in history.  So, when I think about Joseph, the "step-father" of Jesus at that point in human history . . . .oh, how uncommon must it have been then.  Step fathers are often plagued with feelings of inadequacy, struggling with the significance of their roles in the family, and are sometimes poorly assimilated.  But for those who wholeheartedly embrace the role of the step-father, there awaits the blessing of Joseph!  And, oh what a blessing that is!!!!

I personally, have wholeheartedly embraced that role and wouldn't change it for the world.  God, himself, chose to bless the fruit of Mary's womb to be identified with the lineage of Joseph, not Mary!  When the bloodline of Jesus' ancestry is traced, it is the family of Joseph, not Mary, that can be traced back to the Root of Jessie and the Kingdom of David!  So, when the prophecy on Jesus' life was fulfilled, Joseph's role as a step-father was absolutely necessary.  

So step-fathers, embrace your roles and be lauded this Father's Day 2018.  The prophecy on your child's life will be fulfilled through who YOU ARE.  Your name will be made great through you raising God's gift to humanity, your step-children!

Happy Father's Day!!!