The Rainbow Process!

As I was coming home from work yesterday, I was greeted by the most beautiful rainbow hovering over our small town of Terry, MS.  I was reminded of God’s promise to His people to never again destroy living things on the earth with a flood. But as I thought more deeply about the only righteous family left on earth exiting the arc and seeing this sign in the air, what a charge it must have been for Noah and them . . . . and still is for God’s people today.

And, since I’m a science buff, I thought about the rainbow scientifically.  Why did God choose a rainbow?  What is a rainbow?  What significance did it have for Noah’s family then, and what significance did it have for me that evening as I drove the last mile of the way home? 

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that happens when pure white light is reflected, refracted and dispersed as it comes through the medium of crystal clear water in the atmosphere.

White light reflected – the charge is to be a reflection of the character of God.

White light refracted – the charge is to propagate our light through others as we share the Gospel, see souls saved and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

White light dispersed – the charge to the Body of Christ is to go into all the world, preaching the Gospel and baptize them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then, guess what?  As the souls we reach in fulfillment of the great commission come out of the waters of baptism, the light gets a chance to show that beautiful, glorious sign all over again!  It shines brightly through those waters in the atmosphere and creates the rainbow process all over again!!!! 

What a wonderful thought for today!

God bless you!!!

Solace from Psalms

This time of the year can be very stressful.  Children go back to school, college students return for a new semester, fiscal deadlines loom at work, and the holiday season begins with all its demands . . . not to mention the undertone of pressure that the calendar year will soon be over and much of what we hoped to accomplish in 2018 is winding down to the final hours of opportunity.  Where do we turn in the midst of all of it?  How do we put our lives back in perspective? 

David said in Psalms 121 that I should look up! My help does not come from below, or from what surrounds me.  But my help is above me! My help is not earthly, but its Heavenly.  My help comes from the Lord!  

So instead of fretting, I pray!  I meditate!  I worship!  I employ all manner of supplication unto my Help!

Next he acknowledges that God created everything!  So, everything is under His control.  He's everybody's boss!

Next, he instructs us to declare that God will not allow the trouble to derail me!  He's working 24/7, day and night, to ensure my victory.

Finally, Psalms 121 ends with observations on preservation.  When we preserve something, we ensure that it is kept from elements that will ruin it.  I think in terms of salt on meat, or sugar on fruit.  When meat is packed in salt, or fruits are packed in sugar, we call them preserves!  All the flavor is locked in for safe keeping for future use because its surrounded by these preserving agents.  But these earthly agents of salt and sugar only preserve for a time.  But the solace from Psalms 23 says that the preserving agents of goodness and mercy shall be with us all the days of our lives, to ensure our preservation in the House of the Lord forever!

Let these words and other Psalms bring solace and encouragement today as you face this next season of life!


What about the lad?

“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” John 6:9


Its interesting to think that the resources used to fund one of Jesus' greatest miracles were sitting right in the hands of a mere youth.  The disciple who noticed the makings of a meal in the lad's basket quickly dismissed the thought that "maybe he has what it takes" to solve this Kingdom Dilemma.  Why?  Because compared to the task at hand, his goods seemed inadequate.  


Sometimes we take no thought for what God can develop in our children, or the youth at our church, or even young people we just come in contact with in the midst of our daily challenge to do such a big work for Christ when it seems our strength is never enough.  All the disciples had at their disposal was $34!  Thirty four bucks to go first and locate bread, purchase it and bring it back to meet Jesus' command to feed the multitude of 5000 men, plus their women and children.  


And here was a young boy who had the goods at hand.  They didn't have to search for it and he was apparently willing to offer it . . .  It just didn't seem to be enough!  In the hands of Jesus, our children's precious gifts and talents can be blessed, broken, and given . . . not later, but now!  And it just might be the answer to a great commission that WE have been given to fulfill. 


Have you considered the gifts of the young people around you today in relation to the task you have before you in Kingdom Building?


Just a good thought I figured I'd pass along today as we all seek to make disciples and see souls saved!  


Be Blessed!


Pastor Taylor



Just Thinking about step-fathers . . .

Today's blended family is more common than at any other time in history.  So, when I think about Joseph, the "step-father" of Jesus at that point in human history . . . .oh, how uncommon must it have been then.  Step fathers are often plagued with feelings of inadequacy, struggling with the significance of their roles in the family, and are sometimes poorly assimilated.  But for those who wholeheartedly embrace the role of the step-father, there awaits the blessing of Joseph!  And, oh what a blessing that is!!!!

I personally, have wholeheartedly embraced that role and wouldn't change it for the world.  God, himself, chose to bless the fruit of Mary's womb to be identified with the lineage of Joseph, not Mary!  When the bloodline of Jesus' ancestry is traced, it is the family of Joseph, not Mary, that can be traced back to the Root of Jessie and the Kingdom of David!  So, when the prophecy on Jesus' life was fulfilled, Joseph's role as a step-father was absolutely necessary.  

So step-fathers, embrace your roles and be lauded this Father's Day 2018.  The prophecy on your child's life will be fulfilled through who YOU ARE.  Your name will be made great through you raising God's gift to humanity, your step-children!

Happy Father's Day!!!